Department of Political Science


Teaching Program undertaken by the Department

Undergraduate (Three Units in TYBA)

F.Y.B.A. Paper I Indian Political System
S.Y.B.A. Paper II Political Theory
Paper III Public Administration
T.Y.B.A. Paper IV Political Processes in Maharashtra
Paper V Political Thought
Paper VI International Relations


Completed two UGC sponsored Minor Research Projects on (i) SEZs and Issue of Land Acquisition in Maharashtra and (ii) Leftwing Extremist Movement in Jharkhand

Presented 8 Research Papers in the International, National and State level Seminars in the last five years – 2 at the International Seminar, 5 at the National Seminar and 1 at the State Level Seminar

Thirteen publications – Co-authored 4 books, published 5 research papers in Journals, published 4 research papers in seminar proceedings (in last five years)

Contributed in the preparation of study material of TYBA and SYBA Political Science for the Institute of Distance and Open Learning, University of Mumbai.

Resource person in the Post Graduate Certificate Course in Human Rights conducted by the HURT Foundation (NGO in the field of human Rights) in collaboration with Government Law College and UGC sponsored Refresher Course.

Organising Secretary of two UGC and ICSSR sponsored National Seminars and member of Organising Committee of two National Seminars and two workshops organised at M.D.College.

Faculty :-

Dr. Monika S. Verma

Associate Professor
M.A., M.Phil, Ph.D., NET
24 Years (including 5 years of Post-graduate teaching)


Please click on the links below to access the year-wise details.


Faculty Name Chapters in Books with ISBN Seminar Proceedings with ISBN Publication with Impact Factor
Dr. Monika Verma 11 15 1