To create an atmosphere that is conducive to student’s over-all development.

To focus primarily on developing a scientific aptitude towards applied Physics.

To inculcate scientific approach in students to discover their potential in research areas and work towards the betterment of society.

Dr. Ravindra H Upadhyay

PHYSICS is the science of matter, motion and energy. The laws of Physics are expressed with precision in the language of mathematics. It’s scope of study encompasses not only the behaviour of objects under the action of given forces but also the nature and origin of gravitational, electromagnetic, and nuclear force fields.

PHYSICS is the subject which tries to answer the puzzles of nature and use this knowledge to grow new and sustainable technologies to ease the life of mankind. Its ultimate objective is to formulate a few comprehensive principles that can bring together and explain all such disparate phenomena.

The DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS has been established in 1962. It offers Physics up to second year of B.Sc. The department has 3 sanctioned posts of professors since established. The department currently comprises of two qualified associate professors. Both faculty members are highly qualified, engaged in teaching and research activities. Both have attended many seminars and workshops based on advances in physics related area. They have presented and published good number of research papers in journals of National and International repute. For nurturing the basic science Physics, the department of physics has well-equipped under graduate laboratory. The department guides the students to participate in various intercollegiate competitions/exhibitions and it conducts various study tours to scientific institutions such as TIFR, ICT, GMRT, IITB, NSC, IIG, Naval ships and Exhibitions. Guest lectures of distinguished speakers on emerging technologies are arranged. Three non-teaching staff members of department are cooperative, helpful and having good rapport with students.

Important Note

Kindly Note: As per the University Circular No. AAMS_UGS/ICC/2022-23/163  

Physics Semester I & II (CBCS) –Exam pattern is changed from 80-20 pattern to 75-25

Dr. Ravindra H. Upadhyay
H.O.D. & Associate Professor
M.Sc., Ph.D. (PAT qualified)
Ms.Aishwarya Chaughule
Assistant Professor (CHB)


Report National seminar-A.Y.-2015

Guest Lectures by distinguished speakers – Prof. Chakradeo (CHM College), Dr. R. R. Deshmukh (ICT, Matunga), Mr. Manjula Yadav (Curator, Nehru Sc. Centre)

Career Guidance Talk – (Workshop on Mobile Repair, Workshop on Careers in Mobile Communications)

Field Visits (Study Tours)-

For F.Y.B.Sc. (Guided tour to galleries in Nehru Sc. Centre, Science Odyssey, 3-D Science Shows, Science on sphere, I am Mother show, Science show)

For S.Y.B.Sc. (Nehru Planetarium sky shows, Discovery of India, Art gallery, Hall of vision, Hall of Knowledge, Hall of culture, Library)

T.I.F.R. (TATA Institute of Fundamental Research), Scheduled study tour to Labs and attending Public Lecture by eminent scientist.

Invited as a Judge for Science exhibition competition in the Raja Shivaji High school and Junior College , Dadar.

Convener of Science Circle , Convener of Parent Teacher Association (2012-2014). Incharge of Admission committee for F.Y. B. Sc class.