- To give learner centric quality education, to make students self reliant & confident to meet the challenges of the century.

Commitment to the cause of education of the disadvantaged segments of the society.

Dr.Manisha Acharya
- The Department of Mathematics offers Mathematics course till Third year B.Sc… The department is also a centre for Ph.D. in Mathematics affiliated to the University of Mumbai.
- To increase the interest of students in the subject, to enhance their knowledge the Department conducts various activities such as Quiz competition, guest lectures, field visits of Mathematical Interest, also celebrates National mathematics Day and conducts remedial lectures for weaker students
- We also conduct the activities to make students self-reliant & confident such as book reading, blog reading, presentations on the various topics and the event like MATHSHOW.
- We also try to inculcate ethical values and awareness about environment among students by conducting film show, various workshops such as workshop on eye donation, indoor plants etc.
- For the academic year 2021-22 & 2022-23 the department has signed an MOU with the department of Mathematics of Kirti College & Maharashtra college to conduct various activities.
- Every year a scholarship,” The Best Upcoming Talent in Mathematics “being awarded to the student who secures highest marks in Mathematics at FYBSc and continues the study in Maths at SYBSc.
- Department has started ICT based teaching, use of innovative teaching methodologies even before pandemic. Also learned and used few more techniques during pandemic
- Faculty members have engaged in research activities and have published papers in various national & international journals.
Department has got recognition for Ph.D. Center from University of Mumbai in 2015-16.
Department organized UGC sponsored National conference on “Recent Trends in Mathematics and Statistics”.
Department Organized an Intercollegiate Workshop on LaTeX.
Department Organized Intercollegiate activity “Lecture Series on Entrance Test to Post Graduate Studies in Mathematics”.
Dr. Ganesh Joshi successfully completed his doctorate from the Gondwana University in June 2017 for his study on ” Some Innovative Approaches Tight Bounds of Achromatic Indices of Graphs”
Dr. B. P. Mishra Completed Major research Project sanctioned by UGC on “Glimpses of ramanujan’s mathematics in the field of q-hypergeometric series, continued fractions and Mock-Theta”
Dr. Manisha Acharya & Ms. A. Jogalekar Completed Minor research Project sanctioned by UGC on “Labeling of graphs”.
Ms. Shilpa Ghogare Completed Minor research Project sanctioned by UGC on “Corporate/Academic Collaboration”.
Dr. Manisha Acharya and Dr. B P Mishra are recognized Guides from University of Mumbai in Mathematics.