• Envisioning the Department as a centre of academic excellence, social responsibility, value based education, professional expertise and research in English language, literature and translation.


  • To train students in communication skills in English.
  • To strengthen their ability to analyze all forms of literary expression.
  • To prepare them for their career and encourage them to pursue higher education.
  • To sharpen their critical ability to interpret and evaluate literary texts and theories.
  • To develop in them social responsibility.

Ms. Mythili Mukundharajan

Started with the inception of the college in 1962, the Department of English facilitates young and enthusiastic learners who come into the portal of Maharshi Dayanand College develop right attitude, nurture ethical values, sharpen language skills and gain knowledge of literature to meet their career goals and live their lives as honest and happy human beings. Socially relevant and industry related curriculum, technology enabled teaching – learning process, transparent assessment system and comprehensive career enhancement programmes such as English for Employability Certificate course and Workshops on “Translation Studies’ are but some key indicators the department has initiated to actualize the mission of the college. Community outreach programmes like teaching English to orphan girls of the NGO Majhe Maher and BMC school students with the NGO Apni Shaala go a long way in shaping the personality of our students.

A feather in the cap of the department is the introduction of PhD centre in 2019-2020. Students are encouraged to participate in seminars and conferences. To inculcate research culture, the department organises paper presentations by students every year.

Department has fortunately been endowed with a team of faculty ever dedicated to the task entrusted and willing to walk an extra mile to accompany these students in their journey of life. Together, we envisage a promising future for all our students and good luck in all their endeavours. Happy Learning!

Ms. Mythili Mukundharajan
Vice Principal - Arts,H.O.D & Asso.Prof
M.A., M.Phil.
Dr. Kishan H. Pawar
M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., SET, PGCTE
Dr. Sangita Kongre
Associate Professor
M.A., MBA(HRA), NET, Ph.D.