Department of Botany




  • To impart Value Education
  • Students to graduate with high Percentage of marks
  • They Should Pursue Further Studies /Research in Current trends of the Subject
  • They Should Procure good Job Placements

Year of Establishment :- 1962

No. of teachers sanctioned :- 05

SWOC : -

S Student friendly dedicated &highly Qualified Staff
W First generation learners. Low academic caliber at entry level.
O Application in various fields like Horticulture, Ayurveda, Bioinformatics, Clinical Research, pharmacology Pharmaceutical Industry, Herbal Medicine
C Facing competition from new applied courses

Faculty :-

Dr. Kavita Rambal

H.O.D. & Associate Professor
M.Sc., M.Phil, Ph.D.
UG - 23 years, PG - 19 years, Research - 30 years. Recognised PG teacher (by Papers) and PhD Guide Mumbai University

Dr. Gauri S. Soman

Associate Professor
M.Sc., Ph.D.
UG - 25 years, PG - 13 years, Research - 18 years. Recognised PG teacher (by Papers) and PhD Guide Mumbai University

Dr. Satnam Singh Sohal

Associate Professor
M.Sc., Ph.D.
UG - 21 years, PG - 12 years, Research - years. Recognised PG teacher (by Papers) and PhD Guide Mumbai University

Dr. Somendra Sharma

Associate Professor
M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.
UG - 9 years, PG - 3 years, Research - 6 years. Recognized PG teacher (by Papers) and Research

Dr. Sanjay M. Desai

Associate Professor
M.Sc., Ph.D.
UG - 9 years, PG - 4 years, Research - 7 years. Recognized PG teacher (by Papers)


  • Regular Counseling of Academically Challenged Students
  • Mentoring
  • Remedial lectures
  • Career Placement


Please click on the links below to access the year-wise details.


Please click on the links below to access the year-wise details.


Faculty Publications in Journals Publications Proceedings Refresher/Orientation/Short term Course Presented Papers/Posters Conf./Sem./W.S. attended
Dr. Kavita Rambal 04 + 01 01 01(STC) 16 23
Dr. Gauri Soman 07 03 19 20
Dr. Satnam Singh Sohal 04 + 01 15 01(Ref) + 01(STC) 26 28
Dr. Sanjay Desai 01 01 02(Ref) + 01(Ori) 05 15
Dr. Somendra Sharma 04 02 02(Ref) + 01(Ori) 04 13
Total 22 22 9 70 99