“Azadi ka Amrit mahotsav”

 Maharshi Dayanand College of Arts, Science & Commerce takes a great pride to commemorate 75 years of Independence.

We take this opportunity to organize “Women of Matter Talk Series” including 75 talks by women Scientists/Researchers/Academicians/Policy makers. The entire activity is with focus on environmental issues, biodiversity & efforts for conservation.

The College appreciates the collaboration & support from SACON ENVIS (salim Ali Centre for Ornithology & Natural History, Tamilnadu) for popularizing the Women of Matter Talk series under green corner.

Environment Week

5th June 2022 to 11th June 2022

Zoology Department organized Environment Week under Women of Matter Talk SeriesAzadi ka Amrit Mahotsav. The week included a sessions w.r.t environment,biodiversity& conservation.The series was organized in collaboration with ENVIS SACON.


Sr no Department Date Topic Name of Speaker YOUTUBE LINK
1 Zoology 15-12-2021 Spider Diversity Ms. Devika Maruthasalam https://youtu.be/PHurVDO__l0 
2 English 11-01-2022 Eco-Criticism Shanti Polamuri https://youtu.be/a6Sbvq2w1ss
3 BMS-EME 12-01-2022 Solid Waste Management -Throw trash away responsibly Jyoti Mhapsekar https://youtu.be/a-hczcSNOM8
4 History 15-01-2022 We are what our environment : A discussion on the phenomena that envelopes Dr. Neeta Kumari https://youtu.be/PHpaJFq907U
5 Computer Science 22-01-2022 nature: Terra Incognita Ms. Sumaira Abdulali https://youtu.be/ftVPI3-wECk
6 Zoology 24-01-2022 Mangrove Conservation Dr. Sheetal Pachpande https://youtu.be/eJMD4qtGaWA 
7 Commerce 02-02-2022 Spatio Temporal representation of pollution in greater mumbai Dr. Moushumi Datta https://youtu.be/xfZ7fW0MHB8
8 Zoology 02-02-2022 Wetland Tourisum Ms. Gauri Gurav https://youtu.be/9jJ9y5xV_Fk
9 Marathi 07-02-2022 रक्तामध्ये ओढ मातीची Ms. Kalpana Dumale https://youtu.be/8OiU5dfheLM
10 Marathi 07-02-2022 रक्तामध्ये ओढ मातीची Ms. Shivangi Datar https://youtu.be/8OiU5dfheLM
11 Marathi 07-02-2022 रक्तामध्ये ओढ मातीची Ms. Deepali Divekar https://youtu.be/8OiU5dfheLM
12 Zoology 08-02-2022 Scarab beetles from Pune Dr. Gayatri Gujarathi https://youtu.be/sPPifHamOrE
13 BFM 14-02-2022 My Carbon footprints Ms.Minakshi Gurav https://youtu.be/5XF_yHrKT18
14 Chemistry 18-02-2022 Population & Environment Dr. Jayashree Kulkarni https://youtu.be/OAglDuEe0rI
15 Chemistry 18-02-2022 Cosmic cycle-Myduty Ms. Pratibha Singh https://youtu.be/OAglDuEe0rI
16 Chemistry 18-02-2022 Organic farmery & sastainability Dr. Kavita Rambal https://youtu.be/OAglDuEe0rI
17 Zoology 24-02-2022 Conservation of habitats through peoples participation by NGO Hariyali Dr. Madhuri Pejaver https://youtu.be/P7BsBCIXR9o
18 Economics 28-02-2022 Sustainable resource management Dr. Priya Parkar https://youtu.be/7Eh2J8_j5YU
19 Economics 02-03-2022 CBA of sustainable development from environmental angle Dr. Gangotri Nirbhavane https://youtu.be/pS2vi_eGCzc
20 BAF 07-03-2022 Role of Masss media in curbing the challenges of global warming Dr. Gangotri https://youtu.be/5wVcIx7JP3E
21 Physics 09-03-2022 Nanotechnology towards sustainable Environmental Development. Ms. Suprita Naik https://youtu.be/9FQ4lmE7-aA
22 Statistics 15-03-2022 Garden-History & Diversity Dr. Gauri Soman https://youtu.be/HH_-pe7RO-s
23 BAF 19-03-2022 Legal Environment in business, Environmental Laws & career opportunities Adv. Shivani Chandolkar https://youtu.be/nQXUmlouyUA
24 Computer Science 22-03-2022 Valueing ecosystem Ms. Falguni Madlani https://youtu.be/VmAmV6YyWKA
25 Computer Science 22-03-2022 Wild plants-Awareness to conservation Dr. Shreya Bhanap https://youtu.be/VmAmV6YyWKA
26 BAMMC 22-03-2022 Role of Masss media in curbing the challenges of global warming Ms. Aqsa Khan https://youtu.be/TAJllwYSSQE
27 BBI 22-03-2022 Global Warming: be the solution not the problem Ms. Kainaat Khateeb https://youtu.be/TAJllwYSSQE
28 BBI 23-03-2022 Disaster Management Ms.Tanvi Patil https://youtu.be/IhNfB5JrUmY
29 Zoology 26-03-2022 Study of urban lakes Dr. Nayana Raut https://youtu.be/kN3tIFoOGww
30 English 31-03-2022 Nature poetry Ms. Suneeta Bajaj No Meeting
31 Environment Club 23-05-2022 Grow Native Trees Ms. Seema Hardikar https://youtu.be/0hh5vZmwHIQ
32 Zoology 05-06-2022 Plumology in Wildlife Studies Ms. Swapna Devi Ray https://youtu.be/EH7qHhX21eo
33 Zoology 06-06-2022 Protect The Mountains Ms. Kalyani Somani https://youtu.be/vBUiP2ots4c
34 Zoology 06-06-2022 People and Carnivores: can they coexist? Ms. Gayatri V. https://youtu.be/QisKICfWcUs
35 Zoology 07-06-2022 Man- Elephant Conflict Ms. Aakriti Singh https://youtu.be/Z0x11g90zG0
36 Zoology 08-06-2022 Life Under Earth Dr. Aditi Mukherjee https://youtu.be/HWWwDZSvLUs
37 Zoology 09-06-2022 Rocky Tide pool Ecosystems Ms. Paurnima Mohite https://youtu.be/WghV3W09W3c
38 Zoology 10-06-2022 Small Carnivore Communities in Space and Time Dr. Riddhika Kalle https://youtu.be/nX1rybB5k8o
39 Zoology 11-06-2022 Impact of Heavy Metals on Urban Birds Dr. Sanchari Biswas https://youtu.be/9agpV9F9I3s
40 Zoology 11-06-2022 Studying coastal biodiversity around Alibag, Dist Raigad (M.S.): Threats & Challenges Dr. Poonam Kurve https://youtu.be/gst5JHhr-40
41 Botany 29-06-2022 Plastic Pollution : cause, effect and Solution Dr. Supriya Deshpande https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXtRDMTeUeU
42 Mathematics 30-06-2022 My Experiences with Crocodilians Dr. Utkarsha Chavan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDf2I4xyJTo
43 BMS-EME 01-07-2022 Seasons, Trees & Climate Change Ms. Sayee Girdhari No Meeting
44 Botany 01-07-2022 Ecofriendly habitats and Gainful Entreprenurial Plans by Reusing and Recycling of Waste Major Dr Urmila Sarkar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DR6xwfoppcY
45 BFM 05-07-2022 Geopolitics of Climate Change Ms. Sayali Chavan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xMwSa939bA
46 Marathi 06-07-2022 Cycling:for balance of environment and health Ms.Rajeshwari Manjrekar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hTMyScxS64
47 BAMMC 06-07-2022 MINDFUL LIVING Ms. Roma Tripathi No Meeting
48 Marathi 07-07-2022 Threats to environment and ways to prevent environment degradation’ Dr.Mangal Chavan https://youtu.be/iez3Tzp0KU0
49 Mathematics 07-07-2022 Our climate – Our future Dr. Harshada Koli-Satam No Meeting
50 BAF 09-07-2022 Green Economy with Green GDP for Sustainable Development Asst.Prof Swapnali jangle No Meeting
51 BBI 09-07-2022 Enviornment law-Natioinal and International Perspective Mrs. Amruta Kharlikar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PO1FUl3Z4Rg
52 Statistics 09-07-2022 Cadmium Toxicity in the Environment Prof Meenakshi Sundaresan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tXErF3HB2U
53 English 09-07-2022 Nature as a Solace: John Keats Dr. Savita patil No Meeting
54 Statistics 12-07-2022 Birds in My Backyard Dr Ugeshkumari Singh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeJECml2y3A 
55 COMMERCE 12-07-2022 Conservation of Biodiversity and Role of Citizens Dr. Anita Awati https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyLo922zuVk 
56 BMS-EME 14-07-2022 Multi stressors of changing World and dynamic Coastal Habitats Dr. Reshma D Pitale https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMr1sH62eTI
57 POLITICAL SCIENCE 14-07-2022 sustainable ecotourism for biodiversity conservation Dr. Priya Parkar No Meeting
58 BMS-EME 15-07-2022 A perspective of captive care and positive reinforcement Ms. Prajakta Rao https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SV_gORyyQm0   
59 COMMERCE 15-07-2022 People’s participation in Environmental protection/conservation Dr. Mrs. Sanjyot Deuskar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUSUyhSpkBg 
60 Botany 15-07-2022 Urban Farming Dr Neerja Tutkane No Meeting
61 BAMMC 16-07-2022 Rural Livelihood -From CEO to Farmer. Ms. Abhilasha Hunari https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vC-f3msgQwE
62 Philosophy 18-07-2022 what is your environment conscious living? Lima Rosalind https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6CNiO_N-hE
63 Psychology 20-07-2022 Recycling: Everyday interventions Ms. Revati Dharap No Meeting
64 Hindi 21-07-2022 Hindi Kavita me Pryavaran Dr. Satyvati Chaubey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTmSq7kCdiU
65 Zoology 22-07-2022 Costal Caves- Biodiversity Reservoirs Ms Dhanusha Kawalkar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFhHLQCREaQ
66 Hindi 22-07-2022 Maithili Sharan Gupta ke kavy me Pryavaran Dr. Mithilesh Sharma https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PE18y9clWQA
67 Hindi 22-07-2022 Paryavaran Jagran evm Arogy Purnima Pandey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PE18y9clWQA
68 PHYSICS 23-07-2022 12 PRINCIPALS OF GREEN CHEMISTRY DR MRUNALINI KULKARNI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aoL9flns5b0
69 Economics 23-07-2022 Empower women to empower the enviornment Asst. Prof. Vaisjali Bankar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mcrjuVvDeo
70 BFM 25-07-2022 Conservation of Native trees Mrs. Supriya  Mhatre https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4JdoZk0k6o
71 PHYSICS 25-07-2022 ENVIRONMENT CONSCIOUSNESS DR KASHMIRA SHAH https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QP-U_1KShhM
72 Marathi 2/8/2022 Marathi Prose in perspective of Eco feminism Dr. Geeta Manjrekar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyG1w8MzarM
73 Zoology 02/08/2022 Living between the tides Dr. Yadnya Parvate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihj1IEfIG2c
74 History 30/07/2022 Symbiotic Relationship between History and Environment Dr. Nandita Moitra https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMxRuW9fdg8
75 Marathi 4/8/2022 Marathi Poetry in perspective of Eco feminism Assist.Prof.Asha kumbhar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_jqWCRBoHk
76 BMS-EME 8/8/2022 The survival of the smallest Indian Primate- The Slender Loris Ms. Smitha D. Gnanaolivu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvhqt9jAxi8